Wednesday 23 October 2013


Best stomach exercises for women at home

For the best stomach exercises for women at home  – As many women have experienced, a flat stomach is not easy to get by. It requires a lot of effort, patience and changes in one’s diet to get rid of the stubborn belly fat. Spot reduction i.e. losing fat from only one body part is a myth. That’s why, in order to lose belly fat, one has to lose fats from all over the body.
To begin with, if you desire washboard abs, you need to make a routine of cardiovascular exercises. You can choose from running, walking, aerobics, swimming, etc. Cardiovascular exercises, in combination with a balanced diet, will help you to trim down from all places, including your stomach. Along with the cardiovascular exercises, certain effective abdominal exercises should be undertaken regularly, as they help in stretching and tightening the stomach muscles. Given below is a list of some of them.
Best stomach exercises for women at home

Leg Lifts
Leg lifts are an excellent exercise for strengthening the muscles of the lower abdomen. To do this exercise, lie down on an exercise mat on your back. Keep both your hands below your hips as if to support them. Next, keeping your legs straight and without bending your knees, raise your legs. Initially, raise as much as you can comfortably. Later on when you get used to this exercise, your legs should be perpendicular to the ground. Now, bring the legs back towards the floor, stopping just a few inches above it. Aim for three sets of 12 repetitions each.

Crunches are arguably one of the best exercises for women. To perform crunches, lie down on your back on the exercise mat. Bend and lift your knees and keep the feet flat on the mat. Your hands should be crossed behind the head and you should look upwards towards the ceiling. Next, raise your upper body towards the knees and go as far as you can comfortably. Come back to the ground. Aim for three sets of 12 repetitions each.

Reverse Crunches
Another useful stomach exercise to do at home is the reverse crunch. To do this exercise, lie down on your back on an exercise mat. Now, bend and raise your knees in such a way that the thighs are at ninety degree angle with the upper body. Next, cross your feet against each other and lift your lower legs, stretching them towards the ceiling and lifting your hips, slightly off the floor. Make sure that when you do this exercise, your knees, thighs and upper body should not move at all. Do three sets of reverse crunches with 12 repetitions each.

Air Cycling
To do this exercise lie down on your back. Bend the knees and bring them close to the chest. Keep your hands behind the head for support. Next, start air cycling by extending your left leg straight, simultaneously lifting your upper body and twisting it in the opposite direction i.e. when your left leg is extended, your left elbow should be near your right knee. You should aim for three sets of this exercise with 12-15 repetitions.

Cross Crunches
To perform crunches, lie down on your back. Raise your knees and keep the feet flat on the ground, a bit away from the hips. Next, keep your left ankle on your right knee. Keep your hands behind the head for support and raise your upper body, twisting it in such a way that you are able to touch your left knee with your right elbow. Repeat this exercise 12 times and then do the same on the other side.

Vertical Crunches
To do this exercise, lie down on your back. Keep your hands crossed behind the head. Now, crossing your feet at the ankles, lift your legs up towards the ceiling. Next, raise your upper body by applying pressure on your abs so that your forehead can touch the knees. Hold on in this position for about ten seconds and then come back to the original position. Repeat this exercise 12-15 times.
These Best stomach exercises for women at home  should be ideally performed every alternate day. When combined with a proper abs diet, they are sure to give you a flat tummy in due course of time.

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